TSMC Eco Plus!

TSMC Launches Eco Plus! – Ecological Harmony Program

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has launched the “Eco Plus! – Ecological Harmony Program” with the objective of integrating both internal and external resources to connect fragmented biological habitats, enhance species survival, and support ecological research.

In the initial stages, the program aims to deepen and broaden TSMC’s ecological conservation efforts around its Taichung fabs in central Taiwan. Partnering with Observer Ecological Consulting Co., the company plans to link fragmented biological habitats along the Fazi River and Dadu Mountain, promote eco-friendly farming, construct green belts, improve corridor structures, and implement stream-friendly management to enhance habitat conservation and protect low-elevation mountain areas. Additionally, TSMC will expand its conservation efforts to protect six endangered species, the ring-necked pheasant, Barbour’s minnow, eastern grass owl, pangolin, leopard cat, and Chinese box turtle.

TSMC is also collaborating with the Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture’s Biodiversity Research Center and the Wild Bird Society of Taiwan to establish biodiversity awards to encourage academic and research institutions, graduate students, and ecology-related student clubs to propose conservation research and projects. As part of this initiative, the company plans to support up to 96 promising ecological scholars and 63 critical ecological research projects.

Other plans include investments in the development of the “Merlin App” birdsong recognition tool and an AI species recognition system to deepen and expand Taiwan’s ecological database and boost engagement with citizen citizens though platforms like the “eBird Taiwan” database and “iNaturalist.”

“As a global leader in the semiconductor industry, we recognize our commitment to environmental and ecological conservation can play a key role in driving the overall industry supply chain to take action,” said TSMC Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Chairperson of the ESG Committee, Lora Ho. “TSMC is excited to take the responsibility of spearheading the call to action and integrating resources between industry, government, academia, and research partners. On this meaningful day, we are pleased to announce the launch of the ‘Eco Plus! – Ecological Harmony Program’. We hope to introduce similar initiatives at all our global operational sites to fully realize our vision of symbiosis between technology and ecology.”

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