China PC market 2024

China PC market to decline in 2024

The China PC market faces a challenging 2024, with a projected decline of 1% according to recent data from research firm Canalys. This comes after a significant contraction in the first quarter of the year, where shipments fell by 12%, contrasting with a global market that began to recover.

Although the desktop PC segment is expected to see 10% growth in 2024, driven by commercial sector refresh demand, particularly from large state-held enterprises and local governments, notebook shipments are projected to decline by 5% due to cautious consumer and private sector spending.

The slowness of China’s PC market contrasts with the recovery in other key global markets such as the US and India. The country’s commercial sector experienced a 19% decline in Q1 2024 due to low IT spending by large enterprises, while consumer shipments saw a milder drop of 8%.

Looking ahead to 2025, the market is expected to rebound with a 12% growth in PC shipments. For desktops and notebooks, consumer shipments are projected to increase by 10%, commercial shipments by 15%, and government shipments by 10%. The education sector is also expected to see a 10% growth. In the tablet market, consumer shipments are forecasted to grow by 5% annually, while government shipments are expected to see a substantial 22% growth.

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