MediaTek DaVinci generative AI platform

MediaTek introduces DaVinci generative AI service platform

Earlier this week, smartphone chipset maker MediaTek unveiled the MediaTek DaVinci generative AI service platform along with its new MR BreeXe Traditional Chinese large language model to facilitate the adoption of generative AI technologies by Taiwan businesses and accelerate the development of new applications by the island’s startup community.

Originally conceived as an internal generative AI tool for use within the MediaTek group to ensure data security, enhance productivity, and increase cross-department collaboration, DaVinci has evolved into an open generative AI service platform and ecosystem that is open to external customers, developers, and system integration partners.

Over forty entities from the high-tech, finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, education, and media sectors have joined the DaVinci ecosystem so far and are using its toolset and open development environment to develop customized generative AI plugins and assistants that boost operational efficiency and improving customer service.

The DaVinci platform features the new MR BreeXe Traditional Chinese large language model created by MediaTek Research. MR BreeXe is based on the open-source Mixtral 8x7B model, and according to the company outperforms ChatGPT 3.5 in Traditional Chinese language testing and can be tailored to meet the nuanced deployment requirements of Taiwan customers and developers.

Dr. Da-Shan Shiu, Managing Director, MediaTek Research, described MR BreeXe as the most potent language model available in Traditional Chinese and highlighted its adaptability for both cloud and on-premise deployments.

Given the sparsity of Traditional Chinese language models, MediaTek has an interesting opportunity to drive adoption of DaVinci and MR BreeXe in the Taiwan market. It is going to be interesting to see how successful the company is in this new initiative.

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